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What Is Sheet Metal Forming?

Sheet metal forming is a method of shaping metal sheets into different parts but without removing material. Various processes are used depending on what material, shape and strength are required. Here we share some of the most common sheet metal forming processes:

Bending Forming

Bending is the process of deforming sheet metal by applying force and creating an angle or curve. It is done using a press brake or rollers and is commonly used in making enclosures, brackets and different structural components.

Cold Working

Cold working involves shaping metal at room temperature to increase the strength and hardness of the metal, but it does make it less flexible. Cold working methods include rolling, pressing and bending. It is commonly used in the aerospace and automotive industries.


Drawing is a process where a metal sheet is stretched into a specific shape using a punch and die to create parts like cans, sinks and fuel tanks, where the depth is greater than the width.

Explosive Forming

In explosive forming, a controlled explosion is used to shape sheet metal. The blast forces the metal against a die to create complex shapes, allowing it to take on a highly detailed and complex shape while having minimal material waste.


Extrusion is a process where metal is forced through a die to create long continuous shapes with a fixed cross-section, like pipes or window frames.


Forging uses compressive forces to shape metal. This process can be done hot or cold and produces very strong parts.


Shearing is a cutting process used to slice sheet metal without forming chips or melting the material. It is commonly used to cut large sheets into smaller pieces before further processing. Similar to shearing, CNC punching machines, like those at, use a punch and die to cut holes, slots or shapes in sheet metal, but with precise control.

Hot Working

Hot working involves shaping metal at high temperatures to make it more malleable. Processes like hot rolling, hot forging and hot extrusion all fall under this category.

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