7 reasons why you should avoid soft drinks
The soda may be refreshing, but this effect does not come without others, harmful to health. Why? It is one of the main sources of added sugar: 10 tablespoons in a single can of any of these soft drinks.
Artificial juices and other sugary drinks have similar amounts, so it is also recommended to avoid them. But soft drinks are consumed to a much greater extent; for many people, they are something of every day. These are some reasons to kick the habit.
They do not provide nutritional values of anything
The only thing that carbonated beverages have is sugar and in large quantities. And if they do not have sugar, they contain other additives to make it sweet, like aspartame. In addition, carbonated beverages have phosphoric acid; Phosphorus is a mineral that the body needs, but, according to Health line, it is much more common to have high levels of phosphorus than a deficiency.
Phosphorus and calcium work together to maintain the health of bones and teeth. But, to be effective, these minerals have to be balanced: too much phosphorus can lower the calcium in the body and cause potential damage to the bones. Not only are carbonated beverages not nutritious, but they also take away nutrients that you get through healthy foods.
Here we share with you 7 reasons why you should avoid soft drinks
1. Provoke weight gain
We usually take the sugary drinks with the food, but since they do not make us feel more satisfied, we end up eating more of what we would have eaten had we had water. In one study, people who added soda to their current diet ended up consuming 17% more calories.
However, it was found that drinking water decreases the calories consumed by 13%. All the studies that proved this tendency in some people reach the same conclusion. The reason you eat more when you drink soft drinks is that the fructose they contain does not stimulate the satiety centers of the brain. It’s simply stacking more calories than you were going to consume.
But diet soda does not promote weight loss either. What’s more, it can even make you win: by stimulating the receptors of sweet foods, a compensatory response is triggered that stimulates the desire to eat something really sweet, according to a study carried out by two Brazilian universities. This can lead to overweight.
2. They put you at a higher risk of diabetes
Sugar drinks may be the main cause of diabetes in our diet. Numerous studies have linked diabetes with the consumption of soft drinks since excessive consumption of sugar can lead to insulin resistance, a characteristic of type 2 diabetes.
In particular, one study showed that the risk of type 2 diabetes increases by 29% by only taking two cups (about 200 ml) of soda each week (one can have 300 ml or one and a half cups). So even for those who are more moderate in the consumption of these sugary drinks, the risk is any way there.
3. Increase the amount of abdominal fat
The consumption of sugar (because of its high caloric content) will cause you to store more body fat: this is no surprise. However, fructose seems to radically increase abdominal fat, which is located around the stomach and can reach the internal organs, release molecules that damage them, and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, among others. health problems.
It can also increase liver fat since it is the only place in the body where fructose can be metabolized. If too many sodas are consumed, in addition to carbohydrates, the liver becomes overloaded and begins to convert those cells into fat. This, in the long run, can lead to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, a complicated liver disease.
4. They can cause resistance to leptin
Leptin is a hormone that controls the amount of energy that we incorporate into the body and that we burn later. It protects us both from extreme thinness, as from obesity. It is believed that resistance to this hormone is the main cause of the increase in body fat.
According to Health line, several preliminary studies have linked sugar, and especially fructose, to leptin resistance in rats. However, the results are not definitive, and it would be necessary to study their effect on humans.
5. They are addictive
When we eat sugar, our brain releases dopamine, which gives us a sense of pleasure; the brain is programmed to look for activities that give us that kind of pleasure, and, given its large amount of sugar, sugary drinks can create dependence. This is how most drugs work.
The addictive effect has been tested in rats, and while addiction is more difficult for people to test, many people consume this type of beverage in a pattern that could be considered typical of substance abuse.
6. They hurt the teeth
We all know that sugar is not the best you can consume for your dental health. But soft drinks are much more harmful than other sweet foods. Because of their acid content, specifically carbonic acid and phosphoric acid. These create an acidic environment that damages the enamel of your teeth, and, in combination with sugar, which is easily digestible energy for bacteria, your dental health may be at risk.
7. They dehydrate you
Many people drink soda with their meals instead of water. And they may forget to drink enough water during the day. But, in addition, the high sodium and caffeine content of soft drinks can even dehydrate you. Anyway, this will only happen to you if you take more than two cans per day; The more you drink, the more you become dehydrated, and the thirstier you will be; if you drink soda to quench your thirst, you will only be feeding the cycle.