
What is there to know about sewing machines

Sewing machines are a staple in any household with someone with a love of creating their own items. There are many different brands available and the size and capability of the machines will depend entirely on your budget and requirements. Next time you are sat at your machine with the Dressmaking Fabrics that you bought from have a think about these sewing machine facts.

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The first sewing machine

Research has shown that the first styles of sewing machine were invented over 25,000 years ago. These will not have been anything like the ones that we have seen in modern times. The early machines were made with bone needles instead of the metal ones that we use today. Equally these needles would not have had an eye for threading the thread through they would have been attached to a notch in the bone instead. The original designer of the modern style of sewing machines is unknown, although Thomas Saint is the person who first registered a design for a patent in 1790. It is thought that Saint would have been studying the older style machines before he refined his design and sent it to the patent office for registering.

Speeding up the sewing process

The introduction of sewing machines helped to not only sped up but also improved the quality and design of items. Before the machine were available it would have taken a designer or seamstress around 14 hours to sew together a shirt. This would have been on top of the time it took to design the item, pattern cut it and holding a fitting session with the customer before starting the final sewing. Sewing machines have not only had an impact on the fashion industry but also on almost all industries across business including agriculture and aviation amongst many others. This means that virtually every industry has some items involved in that will at some point have been touched by the introduction of sewing machines.

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Revolution of electric machines

Manual machines were used up until the early part of the 1900s and whilst they decreased the time in which it took for items to be created there was still an amount of physical labour that had to be taken into consideration. With the production of electric machines in the 1900s the process was once again sped up and the physical effort needed by the seamstress was also reduced. In more recent times automatic sewing machines have removed the need for anyone to be sat manoeuvring the item through the needle area, however both pedal and manual machines are still incredibly popular in households across the world.

Russell Wilson

Hi, I am Russell Wilson; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety.

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