
The trails and tribulations of the Soap Opera

When I was young we only had one Television. This wasn’t much of a problem as it only had 3 channels anyway and it was also only a black and white one. Its not like I was watching anything that needed colour because for the most part my watching was dominated by soap operas. I didn’t actually want to watch them, in fact I despised them. Even as I child I thought they were a terrible waste of the medium and still do. Back then the signal was dependant on how good a reception you got as everything ran on analogue waves of signal rather than a digital or satellite one. We still need to have aerial for the digital signal and it’s a good idea to make sure yours is in top shape. A good TV Aerial Installation Swansea based company like can make sure that your getting a crystal clean screen. Back then to why I don’t like soap operas.

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My life after school followed a pattern. I went around to my elderly Uncles house to keep him company and we watched kids shows whilst he made me Camp Coffee and Chocolate Digestives. The Mysterious Cities of Gold, Thundercat’s even Blue Peter this was television at its best. My Dad would come around and it was time to take the short walk back home for Tea. After listening to the Radio for tea the Television was turned on and my Mother would immediately make her way into the sitting room for the first one of the night. The gentle sounds of Crossroads came on. This was my Mothers cue to settle in and watch the machinations of the Mortimer’s and debonair Adam Chance as they steered their way through the murky world of mid lands Motel management able assisted by Benny and Scottish Chef Shouie Macfee. I hated Crossroads with a passion mainly because it was on at the same time the BBC had decided to run Doctor Who. It had swapped it from a Saturday tea time show to a half hour instalment weekday. Result I never got to see it. We didn’t have a video recorder because they were way out of our price range.

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It got worse as I got older and the television executives realised that here was a cheap way of ensuring high viewing figures. On a Tuesday night we started with Crossroads then we went straight to Emmerdale Farm at Seven that took us to Seven thirty for EastEnders and then back to ITV for Coronation Street then finally we ended with Brookside on Channel Four. In the daytime Mother had Take the High Road and the Archers on a Sunday morning. Thank goodness she never got into Albion Market and Eldorado.

Russell Wilson

Hi, I am Russell Wilson; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety.

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