
Famous Trees of Britain

There are millions of trees, but some stand out for a variety of reasons. Whether they have a fascinating historical connection or an unusual appearance, the UK is home to some truly incredible trees. Here are just a handful:

The Major Oak

Found in Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, this could be the most famous tree in the whole of England. The hollow trunk of the Major Oak is said to have been the hideout for Robin Hood and his band of merry men. Although carbon dating has shown that this tree would only have been a sapling at the time of Robin Hood, the legend lives on and the forest remains a truly magical place to visit.

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The Flower of Kent Tree

In Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth in Lincolnshire is where you’ll find the iconic apple tree under which Sir Isaac Newton received a bump to the head and discovered gravity. This is the apple tree whose fruit landed on his head and made scientific progress possible. Standing proud in the grounds of Woolsthorpe Manor, the tree is surrounded by a border to help protect it.

Queen Elizabeth Oak

In the grounds of Hatfield House in Hertfordshire, you’ll find a tree now known as the Queen Elizabeth Oak. This is supposedly the tree under which the young Elizabeth I sat upon hearing the news of her sister Mary’s death. The announcement meant she was no longer a prisoner and was to become Queen of England.  Oak remains a popular wood to build with today for style, class and sheer durability. Consider Bespoak Oak Frames for your next home project. For more information, visit

The Horror Tree

An unpleasant image awaits if you visit the elderly care home at Stowlangtoft Hall in Suffolk. Many people come to see the horrible face in the tree with bulging eyes and a screaming mouth full of teeth!

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The Royal Oak – Shropshire/Staffordshire border

Sitting on the border between Shropshire and Staffordshire, sits the Royal Oak in which Charles II hid from Parliamentarian forces in 1651 during the English Civil War. The tree is in Boscobel Wood and its name has been used as the name for over 600 public houses across the UK. The tree that stands today is thought to be a descendent of the original tree that meant so much to King Charles that he created Royal Oak Day to celebrate the King’s restoration.

Old Knobbley

This tree has a somewhat more sinister past. In Mistley, Essex you’ll find Old Knobbley, who dates back to the 1200s. The area was home to the Witch-finder General, Matthew Hopkins during the 1600s and it is thought that many witches hid in the wooded area, taking shelter from the witch hunt in the boughs of the tree.

Ardmaddy Wishing Tree

In Argyll, Scotland, many people believe in making wishes at one tree in particular. There are thousands of coins embedded in the trunk. It is a Hawthorn tree, which were considered sacred in Celtic culture. You make a wish and embed the coin in the trunk to make the wish come true.

Russell Wilson

Hi, I am Russell Wilson; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety.

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