
Attention Deficit Disorder In Children

Some parents face the problem of inadequate behavior and poor performance in teaching children. Many of them blame themselves, believing that they are bad parents who pay insufficient attention to their children. These feelings are quite understandable but completely unjustified and incorrect. In children prone to impulsiveness, excessive activity, problems with concentration, attention deficit disorder can be recognized. Most babies have similar symptoms in kindergarten, and almost all of them continue to suffer from this symptom not only at school age but also as adults.

Attention Deficit Disorder In Children

The manifestation of attention deficit disorder (ADD) in children

ADD can manifest itself in a child at different ages. Each age stage has its own clinical symptoms and characteristics:

In kindergarten age, the syndrome is manifested in increased anxiety, the almost complete lack of discipline, and unjustified outbursts of anger and anger. Such children do not want to take part in games by the rules, do not obey the generally accepted laws, and also can not complete the started task to the end.

Toddlers with attention deficit disorder cannot identify places that can be dangerous. They run out onto the roadway, climb onto tall trees and fences. With such inadequate behavior, children grieve and even irritate adults (parents, caregivers). Peers do not want to be friends with such children, do not take them into the overall game. Children with ADD become withdrawn, uncommunicative, and often even aggressive towards other children or adults.

Attention Deficit Disorder In Children

In early school age, the symptoms can manifest frequent outbursts of anger, isolation in communication with peers. Children cannot organize their educational process, and as a result, they study poorly, do not fulfill the instructions of the teacher, do not do their homework. School children with ADD often develop antisocial inclinations:

  • a penchant for offenses,
  • absenteeism classes,
  • Aggression

Attention Deficit Disorder In Children

In adolescence and adulthood, the above symptoms only increase. Adolescents with ADD almost do not obey the laws; they become prone to various dependencies (alcohol, nicotine, narcotics). It is very difficult for adults to work in a team. Such people more often than others make accidents on the roads.

Causes of pathology

Until today, the exact causes of the appearance of ADD by doctors and psychologists have not been identified. Many specialists working in this direction believe that the manifestation of such symptoms is due to many separate factors and their complex. Consider the most likely of them:

  • Heredity. ADD can be transmitted at the genetic level to children from parents.
  • Non-observance of the healthy lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy. The presence of attention deficit disorder in a child would not be surprising if a young mommy smoked or consumed alcohol during pregnancy.
  • Generic effects. The likelihood of developing (ADD) increases with preterm labor, as well as complications during a difficult delivery (artificial completion of the birth act).
  • Diseases and brain injuries. Infectious diseases of the brain in early childhood and brain injury can be sources of the development of ADD in children and adolescents.

Attention Deficit Disorder In Children

The behavior of children with attention deficit disorder is often simply unbearable. Parents of such babies feel shame and guilt for raising their child. But you shouldn’t blame only yourself for everything, because ADD is not the result of poor child rearing, but a diagnosed disease that requires proper complex treatment. It is impossible to completely get rid of the symptom, but with the right treatment, it is possible to normalize the behavior of the child at home and in educational institutions, to help socialize in the children’s team, and also to increase his low self-esteem.

Independently cope with this problem is not possible. Children with attention deficit disorder need not only observations of doctors, but also consultations with a child psychologist, and often a psychotherapist. An important factor in reducing the manifestation of symptoms will be the support and attention of relatives and friends, as well as kindergarteners and teachers in schools.

Attention Deficit Disorder In Children

How to help the child?

Perhaps the most effective is a comprehensive combination treatment, which is the right combination of drug therapy and psychological correction. After referring to specialists, you will be prescribed a full treatment (medications, massage, counseling by a psychologist, etc.). In addition to all of the above, parents can independently take an active part in the fight against ADD.

Attention Deficit Disorder In Children

You can get rid of the pronounced manifestations of the syndrome, following some recommendations of experts:

  • Reception of a multivitamin complex will allow preventing an aggravation of chronic diseases, and also to increase working capacity. Take multivitamins should not only children with ADD, but also expectant mothers.
  • Supplementing the diet with omega-3 acids. Studies have found that children suffering from the syndrome have a lack of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood. Reception of special preparations and inclusion in a food of foods rich in Omega-3 will reduce the manifestation of ADD.
  • Regular physical activity will help develop patience and reduce excitability. Such sports as track and field athletics can help fight aggression. At the beginning of classes, it is better to resort to individual exercises.

Attention Deficit Disorder In Children

In addition to medical recommendations, you should follow some rules of education of children with attention deficit disorder.

  • Positive attitude to the child in problematic situations. Do not scold an excited kid for failure. Children already painfully react to criticism and comments addressed to themselves. Adjust the child to the positive; tell him that everything is possible.
  • Mandatory praise must be constantly! Even for small merits do not forget to praise the child. Tell him that you are proud of his victories, though sometimes insignificant.
  • Provide moments of peace and relaxation. At a time when the child will be covered with a wave of indignation and aggression, help him calm down, switch attention. It can be quiet joint games, reading aloud, aroma procedures.
  • Keep a daily routine. Try to do your daily routine at the same time. For example, lifting, eating, walking time should be about the same. The child will tune in to a certain schedule, will know when and what exactly he needs to do, and will feel calmer and more confident from it.
  • Constant communication will provide baby confidence in parental care and love. Discuss various topics with your children, and be interested in their friends and hobbies. Let the child feel that you are interested in absolutely everything connected with it.
  • Provide children with ADD the opportunity to have a good rest. Every day, take a walk in the fresh air, watch the time allotted for sleep.
  • During class, limit distractions and control. During the preparation of homework turn off the TV and radio, remove the gadgets. The best solution will be to engage in a separate room in a quiet atmosphere. Do not forget to control the independent work of the child and help in cases of failure.
  • A correct response to the manifestation of the syndrome will allow you to correct the attack of aggression and bad behavior. It’s worth punishing bad behavior only after you explain exactly what upset you. You should not argue and shout at the child. Try to calmly explain what he is wrong.

Attention Deficit Disorder In Children

If you suspect that the child suffers from attention deficit disorder, you should contact your pediatrician as soon as possible. The local doctor will refer you to the diagnosis of a pediatric neurologist and a consultation with a psychiatrist. It is very important to identify the disease as soon as possible and start treatment quickly.


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