
How Republic Commando Fixes The First Problem With Single Player Campaigns

In the day and age of single player games, there are many problems with this type of game mode – a lack of replayability, repetitive gameplay, and uninteresting plot lines. Republic Commando is a game that overcomes these issues by offering a refreshing storyline to explore at your own leisure, maps to unlock and customise, and plenty of different mission types to discover.

How the First Problem with Single Player Campaigns is Solved

Republic Commando Fix

Single Player Campaigns have always been a problem for Republic Commando. They’re boring, they’re short, and they don’t offer much in the way of challenge. But that’s all about to change with the upcoming release of Star Wars™: Republic Commando – The Ultimate Edition!

Republic Commando – The Ultimate Edition fixes the first problem with single player campaigns: they’re boring. This edition features a brand new story set shortly after the events of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, and introduces new factions, characters, and challenges that make playing through the campaign much more enjoyable. Not to mention, it’s now significantly longer than its predecessors, so there’s plenty of content for players of all levels of experience.

But that’s not all! The Ultimate Edition also includes an all-new multiplayer mode called “Commando Conquest”, which lets players team up and battle against each other in exciting round-based matches. Whether you’re looking for something to do on your own or want to join forces with friends, Republic Commando – The Ultimate Edition has something for everyone!

Why a Single Player Campaign is Still a Futile Effort

Ever since the release of Republic Commando, gamers have been debating whether or not a single player campaign is necessary in a Star Wars game. And while there are some valid points to be made, it ultimately comes down to one main problem: There’s just not enough content.

Take the first mission, for example. After introducing players to the core cast and giving them a taste of what they’re in for, it cuts right to the chase and asks them to rescue an important senator. Granted, this isn’t an entirely bad thing – it establishes the stakes and sets up some of the game’s key mechanics – but it still feels like a cop out. After all, if this were an actual movie or TV show, wouldn’t it make more sense to spend some time getting to know our heroes before asking them to do something so dangerous?

Of course, this isn’t unique to Republic Commando. Almost every Star Wars game released in the past few years has featured a handful of short, linear levels that serve only as a way for players to get acquainted with their surroundings. Granted, these levels can be fun when they’re done well (like in Rogue Squadron III) but they’re largely forgettable when compared to the huge open worlds.

The Solution: A Multiplayer Campaign

Republic Commando is the first game in a long time to offer a truly satisfying single player campaign. The problem is, it’s not very good. The missions are poorly designed and often frustrating, the dialog is uninspired, and the enemies are dull.

Republic Commando’s multiplayer mode offers a much better alternative. The missions are well designed, the dialog is funny, and the enemies are exciting. This mode is so good that it completely fixes the problems with the single player campaign. If you’re looking for a great single player experience, switch to multiplayer mode and forget about the single player campaign. But if you’re looking for an exciting multiplayer experience, don’t bother with the singleplayer campaign at all – go straight to multiplayer mode!


We all know that the single player campaign in Republic Commando is pretty bad. It’s short, it’s poorly written and it has a lot of glaring problems. But what we didn’t know before was how to fix it. After playing through the game again, this is exactly what I’ve found: fixing the single player campaign requires a different approach than simply patching up the broken pieces. Instead, it requires developing a new single player experience from scratch that takes into account the lessons learned from past campaigns and builds on them. This isn’t an easy task, but if done correctly it could result in something much better than what we currently have.

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