Home Improvement

What Are the Toxic and Safe Plants for Pets

Poisoning plants is one of the most common diseases in pets. The couple made up of pets and plants is not always a good match. The danger may be in the stem, leaves, flowers, or fruits. There are also toxic trees. Dogs and cats nibble on plants when they have a stomach ache. However, they can go wrong and ingest a poisonous species. In this article, you will find some of the most toxic and safe plants for pets.

The consequences range from skin reactions and gastrointestinal episodes to death. If you find that your pet is behaving strangely after a field trip or after being let loose in a garden, take it to the vet. All precaution is little. However, there are also non-poisonous species that get along wonderfully with our furry friends. That is why we also review examples of pets and plants that can live in peace.

What plants are toxic to pets: 5 toxic species



They are potentially dangerous, especially for cats. A couple of petals or a single leaf could cause your cat to have kidney failure. In the case of dogs, the problem usually remains vomiting. Still, it’s best if you take your pet to a vet so that it doesn’t make matters worse.


It is a flower with great toxicity. Its leaves and flowers contain cyanogenic glycoside. It is a substance that produces reactions similar to those caused by cyanide in a person. It is lethal if it is not acted on time.


All varieties of this flower are dangerous. Also, all of its parts are toxic, especially its bulbs. The simple contact of your pet with this plant can cause dermatitis and irritations. In extreme cases, death would occur.

The azalea

It is a rare poisoning, but if it occurs, it is very harmful. A small dose can cause nervous system problems, lack of coordination, or breathing difficulties. You must take extreme care.


It is slightly poisonous in almost all its parts, except for the fruits, which have a high toxicity. The poison is found in the hairs that cover the plant and in the juice that it contains inside.

What plants are safe to pets: 5 safe species

what plants are toxic and safe to pets

The Christmas cactus

This specimen is a classic of Christmas decoration and is used throughout the year as a houseplant. Its flowers are not toxic and, since they do not have thorns, there is no risk that our pet will harm itself.

Spider plants

They attract a lot of attention for their extensive foliage, especially when our pets are cubs. The only thing you will have to worry about is that they don’t bite you.


The numerous benefits of this aromatic make it a very common plant in many homes. Its natural fragrance and the color of its flowers make it a highly valued example in interior decoration. Intake of rosemary will be a source rich in antioxidants for your pets.


It contains vitamins, antioxidants and carotenes that help prevent cancer. Dogs turn to it to freshen their breath or alleviate stomach problems. But beware. There is a variety of parsley toxic to dogs called ‘spring parsley’ that belongs to the carrot family.


It calms stomach pain and cures nausea and dizziness. Additionally, scientists have found that it lessens the effects of chemotherapy on animals.

If you have other types of plants at home and have doubts, ask your vet and investigate to find out if they are toxic or not. What measures do you take at home so that your pets and plants live in harmony?

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