Tour and Travel

10 cheapest places to travel 2018 to stay long

10 cheapest places to travel in 2018 to stay long. If you want to travel for a long time without spending too much, the low-cost solutions are certainly not lacking. Different cities in Europe and in the world have a cost of living that will allow you to spend very little, and to take long holidays … or why not, to definitely change your life! Here are 10 destinations in the world where you can stay for a long time, at a reduced price!

1.India10 cheapest places to travel 2018 to stay long

India is the second most populous nation in the world and boasts one of the richest cultural and artistic heritage. If you know how to settle, the price of a single room can start from € 3 per day, but you can find an entire apartment in the city center for only € 100 per month. In this way, you can have a starting point from which to visit and discover as much as possible of India, with the real risk of falling in love with this country and moving on a permanent basis! It is one of the best cheapest places to travel.

2.Sri Lanka10 cheapest places to travel 2018 to stay long

Staying in a room in Sri Lanka is quite cheap (5-6 € with a good offer!), And with the rest of the budget available, you can start a journey to regain perfect health through healthy food and natural treatments. Your friends will struggle to recognize you on your return! It is one of the best cheapest places to travel.

3.Ecuador10 cheapest places to travel 2018 to stay long

Among the countries of South America, Ecuador is one of the cheapest and most interesting to visit. Prices for a bed in Ecuador range from € 1 per night! Ecuador presents an incredible natural richness, not only appreciable in the splendid coasts, but also in its mountains. Its inhabitants define it as the most beautiful country in the world. Long live modesty! Of course, It is one of the best cheapest places to travel.

4.Vietnam10 cheapest places to travel 2018 to stay long

Although tourism in Vietnam is constantly increasing, prices continue to be quite affordable. Finding single rooms in Vietnam for two stars for € 4 a night is quite easy, especially by finding an offer on the Internet; with little more, you can opt for three-star facilities with wireless and air conditioning, as well as access services such as sauna and SPA, if you’re lucky. Taxis are also convenient (€ 2 per ride) and restaurants, where a lunch or dinner with a drink can cost an average of € 5-6. Not bad, right? It is one of the best cheapest places to travel.

5.Cambodia10 cheapest places to travel 2018 to stay long

A bed and a meal in Cambodia, if you know how to settle, can cost a few dollars, which makes it possible to live with about € 90 a month. For this reason, there are several people from Europe or the United States who decide to enjoy their retirement here. If you fall in love with this land, there are also apartments near the sea of 45 square meters for figures around € 25,000, where you can spend your days between healthy food and wellness treatments. Almost almost …


At different locations in  Bolivia, you can find accommodation for € 1 a night, with a little luck. This Nation boasts the best cuisine and drinks in all of South America, which is associated with fairly affordable prices, allowing you to spend even  € 15 a day without allowing yourself too much luxury. Perfect choice, in short, for those who want a nice holiday based on entertainment and flavors. It is one of the best cheapest places to travel.

7.Hungary10 cheapest places to travel 2018 to stay long

Hungary is probably one of the most economical European nations from all points of view. Prices for flights to Budapest start at € 15, and a room with a good offer comes off for around € 6, with a little luck! All this, obviously, enjoying the numerous artistic and cultural beauties of the city, which for several years has been benefiting from a constant increase in interest from tourists. And if you want to visit the rest of Hungary, transport is also convenient. The perfect European low-cost holiday is served!


10 cheapest places to travel 2018 to stay long

In Honduras, it is possible to stay by spending only 5-6 € a day, perhaps in areas close to the sea and to the main tourist attractions. The beaches of Honduras are loved by their white sand and palm trees, able to give you days of paradise and absolute relaxation while appreciating all the local delicacies and drinks. With € 20-25 a day you can literally live like royalty, without ever missing anything. Close your eyes and start dreaming! It is one of the best cheapest places to travel.

9.Bulgaria10 cheapest places to travel 2018 to stay long

In autumn and winter, we are dedicated to tourism in capitals and large cities. In this case, Eastern Europe is the biggest, thanks to the cost of tourism among the lowest on the continent. This country and its capital, Sofia, are perfect in this respect, since in Bulgaria there are single rooms for 6 € and that with 30 € you can also find accommodations in 4-star facilities. Also, the prices of the restaurants are very interesting and, as the rates have grown a bit in recent years, with 5 € it is still possible to have lunch and drink in different places. Start to make us a little thought!

10.Greece10 cheapest places to travel 2018 to stay long

In Greece, it is also possible to stay for only € 12 a night, while in cities like Athens, a single room can come to cost around € 15. The variety and completeness of the Hellenic tourist offer also allow you to find free beaches and meals for 7-10 €! Not forgetting how much Greece is famous for its splendid crystalline waters and solitary coves. Heaven is around the corner! It is one of the best cheapest places to travel.

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