Home Improvement

Quick checks could save lives

Do you know how to react if there was a fire in your house? You need to talk with your children about this. Take the time you need now to prepare your family for a fire emergency. Prevention is the key to fire safety. You should be constantly aware of potential hazards.

Do a walk through your house and look for any problems. Do not install electrical appliances yourself as this can lead to fires. For electrical testing cheltenham, visit https://www.blu-fish.co.uk/electrical-services-cheltenham/electrical-testing-cheltenham/

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It is recommended to:

  • Repair or replace appliances that are noisy, smell strange, or heat up.
  • Be sure that lamps and nightlights do not touch bedding or curtains.
  • Electric blankets can be dangerous.
  • Do not let children use kitchen appliances without supervision
  • If you have young children or toddlers in your house, cover outlets with plastic safety covers.

Portable heaters are a major cause of fires in homes, especially during the colder months. Be sure to read the instructions carefully before plugging in any heater.

  • Position a heater away from children or pets that could knock it over.
  • Avoid placing a heater near a bed. This is especially true for a child’s mattress.
  • Avoid placing newspapers, magazines and fabrics on curtains, clothing or bedding near heaters, fireplaces and radiators.
  • Heaters must be at least three feet away from anything that is flammable.

It is important to pay attention to your kitchen as there are several ways that a fire can start. hazards include unsupervised cooking in the oven, microwave or stovetop. Make it a habit to practice safe cooking techniques. For example, turn all pan handles away from the edge, where they can be knocked.

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In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we can easily overlook the dangers that children play with lighters or matches. Keep matches and lighters away from children. Keep flammable items such as gasoline and kerosene out of the house and away from children. Candles for decoration should be treated with the same care. Keep them away from children, pets, furniture, and curtains. Never let a candle burn unattended, and especially not in the bedroom of a child or teenager. Candles should be in a strong, non-flammable holder that cannot fall over.

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