Health and Fitness

DIY face masks: natural beauty recipes

DIY face masks: natural beauty recipes. The masks for face  DIY are easy to prepare and can effectively help to remedy small skin imperfections, to give a more healthy appearance, bright and toned skin of your face. In addition, the face masks do it yourself, do not contain preservatives, parabens, silicones, and paraffin. They are effective immediately but for more satisfying and long-lasting results, these natural beauty recipes should be made regularly.

Natural beauty recipesDIY face masks: natural beauty recipes

There are different types of do-it-yourself face masks and each acts differently on the skin, so it is good to take into account the effects and results to be obtained to decide which to prepare

We must also consider that each person has different characteristics, so even the reaction to a mask can be different. For example, one of the aspects that most affects the effectiveness of a face mask is the type of skin. Depending on whether you have oily, dry, mixed or normal skin, or that presents particular problems, such as the tendency to impurities, acne, and redness, a specific natural product should be used to restore a fresh and healthy appearance.

Here are some DIY beauty recipes to create totally natural and specific face masks.

DIY masks for oily skinDIY face masks: natural beauty recipes

Glossy and oily to the touch, often characterized by the presence of pimples and blackheads, caused by clogged pores. In the treatment of this type of skin, the main purpose of DIY face masks is to remove excess sebum, moisturize, purify, narrow pores and prevent impurities or treat the presence of acne.

Tomato and honey face mask. In a bowl mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of crushed fresh tomato seeds without seeds. The compound must be applied to the face for about 15-20 minutes. Finally, rinse with warm water. This do-it-yourself face mask combines the beneficial effects of tomato that has strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties and the nourishing and moisturizing action of honey. Furthermore, the vitamins and minerals of the tomato will help keep the skin smooth.

The bicarbonate mask. Combine 2 tablespoons of baking soda to 2 of natural water and mix until dough is obtained. Apply to the face, distributing with your fingers and being careful not to touch your eyes and mouth, and let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse well and remove any residue, then hydrate thoroughly. Baking soda already has an astringent, disinfectant and purifying power and it would also be enough to massage some grains onto the face every day, as an exfoliant, to see significant improvements in purifying oily skin.

The honey and lemon mask. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the juice of half a lemon and mix everything until you obtain a homogeneous mixture that you will leave on your face for 10 minutes. After that, rinse thoroughly. In the application, be careful to exclude the eye area and the mucous membranes of the lips. This all-natural mix has a dual function: while the lemon purifies and astringe, honey disinfects cures irritations and soothes, leaving the skin soft and nourished.

DIY masks for dry skinDIY face masks: natural beauty recipes

The low production of sebum makes this type of skin appear dehydrated and flaky. Furthermore, dry skin can also be caused by various external factors such as excessive cold, sun exposure, low humidity, use of too aggressive soaps. Also, in this case, it is possible to make do-it-yourself face masks that will help your skin to be more healthy and hydrated.

Banana mask, olive oil, and yogurt. Create a homogeneous mixture by combining 1 banana, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 of plain yogurt. Apply it to the face for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water, removing any residue from the mixture. Banana is a fruit rich in potassium and B vitamins, but it is also an excellent beauty ally thanks to the high content of beta-carotene which is a powerful antioxidant. Olive oil has emollient and elasticizing properties and represents one of the most ancient cures for eczema and inflammatory skin reactions. Finally, the yogurt will make your face velvety and fresh.

Avocado mask, almond oil, and honey. Crush the avocado pulp with a fork, add 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of almond oil and mix evenly. Lay the mixture on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse. Avocado is rich in vitamin E and carotenoids, essential for giving elasticity to the face, but it has many other substances that protect the tissues and promote cell renewal by restoring the skin’s normal hydrolipid film.

Chocolate mask and almond oil. Melt a pure chocolate bar without sugar in a bain-marie and add 1 teaspoon of almond oil. Lay the mixture on your face for 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Chocolate is a natural moisturizer and softener rich in antioxidants that fight premature skin aging. Furthermore, it acts as a natural remedy against skin irritations.

Almond oil has anti-aging properties guaranteed by the presence of vitamins A, D and E as well as oleic and linoleic acid.

Natural masks ideal for all skin typesDIY face masks: natural beauty recipes

Anti-wrinkle mask with radicchio and cucumber. Mix radicchio and cucumber in equal quantities. Combine the flour mixture to obtain a cream of the right density. Spread on the face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Papaya peeling mask. Blend the pulp of 1 papaya with 2 tablespoons of the whole yogurt. Apply the cream for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.

Anti-fatiguing and decongestant camomile mask. Infuse a sachet or chamomile flowers, let it cool and then add a tablespoon of flour. Spread the mixture on the face and leave on for at least 15 minutes.

Some useful advice

Before applying the mask you prefer and which is right for you, clean your face to eliminate traces of make-up, dust, and sweat. Remember to prepare only the quantity you will use shortly thereafter. You can apply a mask a day, but it is preferable to let the facial skin rest, so it is advisable to do it every other day. It is important to lay the mask immediately after having prepared it so that it does not lose its effectiveness. In the application, avoid the area around the eyes, unless the mask is specific to that area of the face.


Remember that the skin is the mirror of your health. Good to help yourself with the DIY face masks, but to keep the skin soft and young a healthy and balanced diet is recommended, to drink more than two liters of water a day and to avoid smoking and alcohol.

In case of allergies or particularly sensitive skin or lesions, do not use DIY treatments: if in doubt, contact your doctor to avoid risks.

Finally, if you intend to expose yourself to the sun, even for short periods of time, do not make citrus-based treatments: they are photosensitive and you could risk erythema and burns.

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