Health and Fitness

Types of massages and their applications

The different types of massages have innumerable applications that enhance our health and well-being. Although they can be applied through different techniques (and each one receives a different name), this time we will focus on chiro massage, that is, one that is done with the hands, without using any type of tools or utensils.

History of massage

Massage is a therapeutic method known since ancient times that has been used often to alleviate physical, emotional, and psychological ailments. We suggest visiting laser hair removal in Manhattan.

In general, there is consensus on the fact that it is useful to improve physical and mental state. Also about other benefits, it brings, such as:

  • Alleviate the pain.
  • Contributes to relaxation.
  • It reduces stress.
  • It enhances sleep quality.
  • It improves the quality of life, by maximizing the feeling of well-being.

Chiromassage, one of the most common types of massage

As we have already been commenting, there are many types of massages that have evolved over time, with different names.

Some have been enriched with new contributions, but retain the distinctive features of the original message. On the other hand, others stand out for the combination of several types of massage or the incorporation of new techniques and maneuvers. However, all keep the pursuit of well-being among their objectives. Visit the wax centers in midtown Manhattan to get the best care for waxing.

The most accepted definition of massage is the following:

“A set of organized and methodical maneuvers or manipulations normally practiced without the aid of instruments, on a part or totality of the organism causing in it, directly or indirectly, some esChiromassage, hygienic, therapeutic and preventive effects “.

The mechanism of action of the chiro massage is attributed to the reflex physiological response of the treated area with increased blood flow and decreased pain. Also to the result of pressure, which can reduce muscle fatigue by relaxing the treated area.

Despite its antiquity and diffusion, its benefits are not always recognized by official medicine, since scientific evidence on its effects is limited. On the other hand, we cannot ignore some contraindications, for example in case of illness, injury, or pregnancy.

Other types of massages and their applications


This is the most popular massage. Although it can only be performed on specific parts, it is generally a message that is given to the whole body. It is performed with gentle and shallow maneuvers that are intended to help reduce nervousness or stress, improve sleep quality, and relieve emotional tension. It is one of the most widespread applications in the field of beauty and personal care.


It is a brief massage of between fifteen and twenty minutes, exerting greater pressure to act on the deepest muscle layers. It is applied to a specific part of the body and is indicated for sedentary people, without highly developed muscles and obesity. It tones, activates the muscles, increases blood flow that will carry accumulated toxins.


It is an energetic massage aimed at the elongation and relaxation of the muscle fibers. It is used for recovery after sports practice or for preparation prior to it. It shares toning and increased circulation with other massages, but it is also designed to mobilize lactic acid, which is the cause of so-called “stiffness.”

Lymphatic drainage

Its mission is to promote the circulation of the lymphatic system and avoid the accumulation of fluids, especially in the lower extremities. It is applied to the entire body following the direction of the return circulation to the heart. From the lower, upper extremities, and abdomen where more fluid accumulates producing an increase in volume towards the heart.


The Shiatsu is a massage of Japanese origin that is performed by pressing with fingers Shi: fingers; Atsu: pressure. His technique is based on the pressure of different points of the body in a way analogous to acupuncture. This pressure on the nerve endings makes the vital energy (Chi – Qui) flow and balance, maintaining and improving health, unlocking different areas of the body, and restoring their function to the internal organs.

Reflex massages

It is one of the types of massage that is based on the application of pressure on different areas (feet, ears, trigger points, mouth, wrist, etc.) that are far from the area where the ailment is located. They take advantage of the nervous and energetic communication of different areas to obtain their effects.

The therapeutic effects are based on the physiology of the reflex arcs in which the nerve fibers collect information from the affected area and emit the pertinent muscular, vascular or nervous command, being able to influence when pressing on a point of the circuit.

Effects of massage on organs and structures


  • Cleaning and removal of flaking cells (dead cells).
  • Cleaning and emptying of the sweat or sebaceous gland ducts.
  • Sensitive analgesia. Reduces the sensation of discomfort and pain.
  • Vasodilation Increases blood flow to the skin which becomes warm and red.
  • Improves absorption through the pores of creams or medications.
  • Cleanses the flakes in the hair follicle and stimulates its bulb.

Adipose tissue

  • Dissolution of fat cells by pressure increased temperature and blood flow.
  • It favors the reabsorption of fat tissue and its storage as reserve energy.


  • Increased temperature and catabolism.
  • It favors the contractility and tonicity of the motor plate.
  • Relieves, delays and reduces fatigue.
  • Promotes return circulation and relieves muscle mass.


  • An increase in temperature favors the reabsorption of edema preventing the formation of adhesions.

Blood circulation

  • Increased peripheral blood flow. Capillaries carry more blood and faster.
  • Hyperemia: increased amount of blood reaching the tissues.
  • Greater oxygenation of all body structures.
  • It improves venous return and therefore prevents the formation of edema and favors the elimination of metabolic waste products and toxins.

Digestive system

  • It favors peristaltic movements and the functioning of digestion.
  • It can prevent or improve constipation or diarrhea processes.

Nervous system

  • Analgesic effect: reduces the painful sensation.
  • Improves stimulation of motor nerves and therefore increases muscle tone, contractility, and strength.
  • There is better irrigation and therefore nutrition of the peripheral nerves.
  • Psychic relaxation helps reduce tension, stress, and therefore the feeling of discomfort or pain.

Psychological effects

  • Emotional and psychological relaxation.
  • Improved sleep rhythms and emotional state.
  • Increases the feeling of well-being and favors brain-motor ideation.

As we have seen, the different types of massages have countless applications that enhance our health and well-being. However, it is important that they are applied by a professional, as poor execution can be counterproductive.

Finally, we recommended Waxing studio Manhattan and the Best facial for acne in Manhattan to know more details.

Russell Wilson

Hi, I am Russell Wilson; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety.

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