
What are the properties of merino wool?

Wool is often thought of simply as a warm fabric, but it actually has a great deal more to offer. Did you know that wool can repel stains, keep you cool and even protect you from UV rays?

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A fabric with amazing qualities

Merino wool is truly a wonder product. Grown in Australia, the fleece has adapted to the hot climate and now works to absorb UV radiation, protecting the wearer from the damaging effects of the sun’s rays. Merino has the ability to react to body temperature, keeping you warm when it’s cool and cool when it’s hot. On top of that, this amazing wool absorbs odours and is highly breathable, unlike manmade fibres. It’s no surprise, then, that many brands specialising in technical sportswear and outdoor gear have recognised its power. Today, merino is used to manufacture high-performance kit, from base layers for skiers to leggings for yoga lovers.

It’s not just sporty types who can benefit from woollen garments. Merino fibres are incredibly fine and soft, so fabric made from it feels wonderful to wear. It’s gentle enough to be worn directly against the skin without irritation. Garments made from merino wool drape beautifully and keep their shape thanks to its natural elasticity.

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The wool is able to repel stains and dust, so it’s ideal for hard-working wardrobe staples like aran sweaters or blankets for snuggling on the sofa. Most merino is now easy to machine-wash and tumble dry at home, making it a truly practical fabric. A huge range of merino items are available from stores such as Irish Aran wool sweaters, meaning there is something for everyone.

Great for the environment

It’s a completely natural, renewable fibre. All the sheep ask is fresh air and water, sunshine and grass. Wool is perfect for recycling into mattresses, upholstery, and even new pieces of clothing. If it doesn’t end up being reborn as a brand-new item, wool is 100% biodegradable and returns its nutrients back into the soil as it gradually decomposes.

When you wear wool, you can be happy in the knowledge that you are making an eco-friendly choice, and that you have a fabric with some impressive technical abilities. In addition, it feels luxurious and is easy to care for, making merino wool a fabric that really is hard to beat.

Russell Wilson

Hi, I am Russell Wilson; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety.

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