
4 Tips to maintain a lifelong friendship

4 Tips to maintain a lifelong friendship. Friendships are one of the fundamental pillars of our life since they have a direct impact on our emotional well-being. The truth is that the most unconditional friends are difficult to find and that is why, if you have been lucky enough to find one or more of them, you must pay them all the attention they deserve.

After the inspiration that has given us the reading of the phrases of true friendship, in Health and Friendship, we wanted to offer you a selection of 4 general advice that we should all follow if we want a valuable friendship to stay afloat with the passing of the years. Do not miss this opportunity to start valuing your friends more than ever.🙂

4 Tips to maintain a friendship forever

1. Dedicate time and details to your friends4 Tips to maintain a lifelong friendship

We all tend to let ourselves be carried away by the burden of our responsibilities, which can lead to unconsciously leaving our most precious friendships aside. However, even if it is not consciously, neglecting our friends will imply that the relationship will inevitably deteriorate.

That is why it is of vital importance that we dedicate time and emotional details to our friendships. Keep in mind that physical closeness is not an indispensable requirement, but keep regular and sincere contact, permanent gratitude and convey that we will be available for any favor you need. It is one of the best tips to maintain a lifelong friendship.

2. Sincere communication4 Tips to maintain a lifelong friendship

A true friendship can not be considered as such if there is no complete sincerity between both members, for good and for bad. And we must be able to transmit without any kind of fear (although with tact) our opinions, especially if these are negative.

There is no more complete affective relationship than that which encompasses sincerity, so if at some point you are surprised by hiding things from your friends or if you react badly to their opinions, consider whether it is worth keeping it or if you are behaving with them in a wrong way and the motives. It is one of the best tips to maintain a lifelong friendship.

3. Encourage your empathy and do not expect anything4 Tips to maintain a lifelong friendship

We understand empathy as our ability to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes to better understand them, an indispensable requirement if we are talking about true friendship. With the passage of time, we will end up knowing the strengths and weaknesses of our friends, their virtues and shortcomings, and their circumstances.

All this baggage should make us understand that we can not demand the same from all our friends since each one is a world and they can not always respond in the same way that we would. So to reach the stage of maturity of friendship will be essential to recognize the value that can bring you and nourish yourself from it. It is one of the best tips to maintain a lifelong friendship.

4. Overcome the disagreements4 Tips to maintain a lifelong friendship

Finally, we must bear in mind that the path of friendship is not a linear journey, much less perfect. On the contrary, it will be full of ups and downs and, in fact, it will be usual for disagreements to arise with our closest friends. But do not worry, because the ability to overcome all obstacles will be precisely what will strengthen our friendship. In addition, we will have to work on reconciliations, which in all cases must be sincere and free from any reproach or resentment that prevents us from moving forward.

We hope you found it useful to know these 4 tips to maintain a friendship throughout life and, above all, to put them into practice. 🙂As always, we encourage you to leave us your impressions in the comments section. Do you want to share some experience with us? What do you consider essential for a friendship to be lasting? We will read your opinion with great interest. It is one of the best tips to maintain a lifelong friendship.

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