Business and Management

Why every business should have a marketing strategy

Leads, sales and conversions aren’t things that happen out of nowhere. Rather, they are driven by a strong marketing strategy that serves relevant content to a specific target audience at precisely the right time in their customer journey.

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Why is it important to have a marketing strategy?

Simply put, effective marketing strategies create sales opportunities by detailing the steps required to achieve certain objectives. They also act as a tool to keep teams accountable and on track, even through challenging situations.


When developing a marketing strategy, it is necessary to set out business goals such as identifying a target audience and determining the best ways to communicate with that audience.

As this information can then be used as a blueprint to create actionable steps that will help to drive business growth, many businesses choose to work with experienced marketing strategy consultants.

What does a marketing strategy look like?

While all marketing strategies look different because they are unique to each business, it should be a structured document which carefully outlines the purpose of a business and its primary goals.

Marketing strategy consultants may recommend the inclusion of:

– Core business objectives
– Audience personas
– Marketplace positioning
– Implementation timelines
– Target channels, such as social media, website content, SEO, and PPC.

How do marketing strategies impact content marketing?

Businesses across all sectors and industries can benefit from content marketing. However, without a specific content marketing strategy, content creation can be nothing more than a serious time-sink that doesn’t deliver tangible results.

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This is because competition for the attention of an audience is fierce. So, even though 91% of businesses use video within their marketing, you will waste time and resources if your target audience doesn’t engage with online video content.

A comprehensive marketing strategy will identify specific audience personas which will detail the types of content they like to consume, the platforms they use, and the keywords and phrases they are searching for to find answers to their questions. Without this information, businesses can struggle to form connections with an engaged audience.

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