
Child adaptation from 3 to 5 years old to school or college

Child adaptation-The three years is the period in which children begin a process of schooling that includes the second stage of early childhood education. As such, this stage is not compulsory. But practically all child adaptation between 3 and 5 years of age are enrolled as this cycle is basic for later entry into school with adequate learning, in addition to the process of socialization of children.

For many, the three years represent their first separation from the family home

the child adaptation

At this age, children usually have well-acquired language and the level of understanding of the world around them allows them to better assimilate this new stage. It will be the parents’ mission to prepare the child adaptation before entering the school. The school should be an attractive place, where to play and have fun and where you will meet new friends. In spite of everything, the reticence will remain and the entrance may be accompanied by tears. Transmit security and trust will be the objective for the child to gradually accept the situation.

The educator will become a reference for the child from 3 years of age

After 3 years, the treatment of the child with the educator will be very important in the process of child adaptation. In the absence of parents will become their reference. So it is important to treat the child with love, know his name and act with respecting his personality. The child of that age must in turn assimilate the school. And its spaces as his own, little by little he will get to know its different elements and will know what his site is in relation to the rest.

When the child knows well both the staff of the center and the elements that make it up, it will be easier to go to school without problems. Throughout this process you will not have to forget the relationship you establish with your colleagues. This will be one of the best assets to encourage you to attend school.

Child adaptation returning after summer

top child adaptation

In cases where the child adaptation is already a veteran, it is also usually a period of adaptation. Summer vacations are an important break. And it is difficult to get used to the routine, even if it is known. With one more year the demands will also increase, without forgetting the change of educator. All this will require a re adaptation that is usually simpler than in the first year, not starting from scratch.

The problems in the 4 and 5 years will have more to do with their process of integration and socialization than with the fact of going to school. If you have problems with your classmates or you do not find your place, you will usually show rejection and not want to go to school. Parents and educators should be attentive and analyze the reasons for their behavior. And is that for the child adaptation without problems to the center the most important thing is that he feels comfortable with his peers.

Child adaptation from 2 to 3 years old to school, kindergarten or nursery

The two years is the age when many children join the education system. The parents consider that he is mature enough to face this new experience. He already walks without problems and is able to express himself in a basic way. It is time to relate to your peers and begin to acquire skills and learning that will improve their development in all senses.

For many advantages that the entrance to the center presents for the child, the truth is that this change is not usually very well received.

With that age the child already knows what he likes and what does not and has a fairly well-defined personality. So the separation of his parents will not make much fun. Depending on their character. The scenes at the door of the center will be more or less dramatic. Which is why the temperance of the parents or people in charge of their care is vital.

The important thing is to avoid making a drama or deceiving the child

top child adaption

You have to avoid dramas, it will be difficult not to cry. Although there are many children who do not have any problem in their school entrance. What it is about is to transmit confidence. It is necessary to avoid phrases of the type do not cry, that mom comes right away. Or poor thing, what a bad thing is going to happen. Do not lie to the child and show no compassion or pity, let’s not forget that they will perceive it. And they will not have the security and confidence they need to face this new stage in their life.

As hard as it may be for children and adults, 99 percent of the children have a lot of fun once they start in the dynamics of the class. All are new stimuli, they are also related to other children and can sing, dance, play, jump … all a program designed for them to learn and develop in a fun way.

Precisely this is what should be addressed when it comes time to go to school. You have to talk to him, remember the name of his friends, his favorite games or some special activity. All with an enthusiastic tone that awakens in him the desire to be in the center.

The adaptation will imply that the child will experience certain changes

discover  child adaptation

You also have to be prepared for the changes in the child. It may be a very active child but in school is kept on the sidelines. Or it may also be that when his parents pick up show indifference. All these are manifestations of the process of adaptation. They are imbalances that with time will be regulated. The important thing is the attitude of the parents and the positive reinforcement that must be given to the challenge that the school supposes.

There are times when this adaptation lasts too long, in these cases you can consult with the professionals of the center to assess if any underlying problem. Not all children are the same and changes and child adaptation are lived in very different ways, this way patience and understanding will be the key.

Roger Walker

The writer of this article, currently manages his own blog moment for life and spread happiness and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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