Tour and Travel

Five cities to travel alone and have a great time

Five cities to travel alone– A trip as a couple is a great idea. Travel with friends, fun. Do it as a family, the best way to enjoy the people you love. But once in a while it’s not too bad to give yourself a few days away from everything. And of all. Make the suitcase and travel alone. It does not have to be a long trip. A 3 or 4 day break can be enough time to forget the routine. A few days in which to do everything at the time you want. Without anyone else. Eat when your stomach says you are hungry. Get up when the body complains of so many hours in bed. And about, visit the places that you call your attention, sit in a park because you fancy a bit of sun or spend hours to go shopping. There are a lot of countries and cities to travel alone. Of those that will leave you with a good taste and desire to repeat experience. In this post we take you to five cities that seem perfect for a solo trip.

Cities to travel alone

the cities to travel alone

At the time of deciding on or another of these cities to travel alone we will have to assess some factors: budget, time we have for the getaway and what we want to do in that destination. Be that as it may, I hope we encourage you to get lost in the streets of some of these attractive cities.

Paris, the city of light

top cities to travel alone

There is no doubt that Paris is always a great option . Although it is one of those romantic destinations par excellence, Paris is also one of those cities to travel alone. Its cultural offer is huge. You can spend the day touring some of its most famous museums. Stroll along the Seine to reach Notre Dame , one of the most beautiful temples in the city. Curiosear in their romantic cemeteries in search of tombs of famous people. Climb the Eiffel Tower to see the city from the heights. And of course, stroll through Montmartre , the most bohemian neighborhood of Paris.

To all that we must add the walks through the parks, whether the Tullerias or the Luxembourg Garden. The meals in one of those nice terraces that the restaurants of Paris have. Or those moments dedicated to shopping. Paris is one of the most chic cities in the world. And although you can not afford to buy in the streets where the signatures of the most famous designers of the world are, you can always get lost in  “Marche aux Puces de Saint Ouen” , a large market where you can find everything from clothes to antiques.

Lisbon, decadent charm

discover cities to travel alone

One of the most charming cities in Europe is Lisbon. Little has to do with cosmopolitan London or elegant Paris. In the Portuguese capital you can breathe the scent of the sea and hear the sound of seagulls. The Tagus River made this city a land of conquerors that nevertheless today seems to have remained anchored in the past. So much so that in some of its neighborhoods one feels more in a town than a big city. A trip to Lisbon gives beautiful sunsets, snacks with cream cakes and tours through its streets that go up and down on board old trams.

There is much to do in Lisbon , one of those cities to travel alone and enjoy it calmly. You have to go to Belem to see the most beautiful monument in the city, the Jerónimos Monastery . In the center, stroll through Alfama or Chiado in search of the viewpoints with the most beautiful views over Lisbon . Enjoy the beautiful Plaza del Comercio and stop to eat that cod that the Portuguese prepare as nobody. And enjoy a delicious gelato at Gelados Santini. It is in Rua do Carmo and offers the richest ice cream in the city.

London, the most cosmopolitan city in the world

best cities to travel alone

If you go with friends to London you will have a good time. If you go as a couple, too. And if you decide to do it alone, you will have the opportunity to enjoy at your leisure the infinity of attractions offered by the British capital. You can start by visiting some of its many free museums, such as the National Gallery . No doubt any of them is perfect if you get one day of those rainy so much in London. You can also take time to see the palaces and mansions of the city. Your parks Its most famous squares, such as Picadilly Circus . And to walk along the Thames counting all the bridges that cross it.

And of course you have to lose yourself and wander aimlessly through the neighborhoods of the city. From Chelsea to Mayfair , not forgetting of course the less elegant but much more popular  Camden Town or  Notting Hill . Each of them will show you one side of the city. You will enjoy contemplating its precious things or browsing its attractive or eye-catching stores. And if you get tired of walking but you do not want to leave the budget in the typical tourist bus, remember that you can get on buses 9 or 15 . Both make an attractive route perfect to see the city of its iconic red buses. And those who make this route have recovered the look of the 50s, something that increases the attractiveness of the ride.

Brussels, in the shadow of the Flemish cities

cities to travel alone and have a great time

When we think of traveling to Belgium, we all imagine ourselves traveling through the beautiful Bruges or Ghent. However there is also a lot  to see in Brussels . Beyond its famous Grand Place you can find gardens as beautiful as the Petit Sablon . Gothic churches, palaces and museums as fantastic as the Magritte. Or the Museum of Music, housed in a few art deco warehouses, an architectural style that can be found in many places in the city.

Also in the center you can get lost in Les Marolles , a neighborhood full of vintage shops that will delight more than one. Go up to your daily antique market installed on Belle Place Jue . Or look for a cozy restaurant where you can enjoy a typical Belgian meal accompanied by some of its famous beers. Do not forget the Atomium , the Cinquentenario Park or look for the best chocolatiers in Brussels  to return home with the sweetest memory of the city. Also keep in mind that Brussels is a perfect base to know the famous cities of Flanders.

New York, the city that never sleeps

Five cities to travel alone

As big as you think New York is also one of those cities to travel alone. And enjoy to the fullest. The offer of this city gives to spend in it months. But it is an option that few can enjoy. So if you dare to travel alone to meet her, we assure you that you will not get bored. The show starts on the street. Just sit on a bench and watch people go by. Or go down to the subway and see the performances on its platforms. Without forgetting all that the Broadway theaters offer you.

New York has many museums and striking art galleries. Buildings like the Empire State that are icons of the city. Neighborhoods famous for having filmed in them television series or movies. And this city is a set where you will recognize countless places for having seen them on the big screen. Also, New York is a perfect place to go shopping. If you go alone, you will surely lose hours and hours in its large shopping centers. Or touring the surroundings of Union Square, where in addition to its fantastic and attractive organic food market you will find plenty of shops. And if you are looking to return home with your suitcase full of bargains, do not forget to visit  Century 21 Department Store.

Roger Walker

The writer of this article, currently manages his own blog moment for life and spread happiness and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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