Home Improvement

How to keep house cool in summer naturally? 14 tips

Come to the good weather many of us are the ones who make the mistake of turning our house into hell, leaving the most extreme heat to settle in our homes. With no alternative but to pull the air conditioning to get some fresh air and survive, our electricity bill skyrockets and our pocket suffers. Let’s discover how to keep house cool in summer naturally.

How to keep house cool in summer naturally?

Fortunately, there are many traditional remedies and tips that you can put into practice to cool your home easily without using electrical appliances. Know them all, say goodbye to the heat and start saving money next.

How to keep house cool in summer naturally


1. Close the blinds and curtains

This may seem obvious to some people, is incomprehensible to others, and is the most controversial point in homes and offices, since in the search for something air are many who open their windows and shutters wide open.

According to experts, up to 30% of the accumulated heat comes from the windows, so using blinds, curtains or awnings can lower the indoor temperature by about 6 ° C and save up to 7% on electricity bills.

The secret of maintaining a fresh house without air conditioning is precisely to create an optimal shade environment inside the house, and precisely the blinds and curtains allow us to shade our house and block the sun’s heat.

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2. Open and close the windows according to the hours of the day

In the central hours of the day when it is warmer, we must close our windows or leave them minimally ajar. That yes, although to keep closed curtains and windows is the norm, these must open early in the morning and at the beginning of the night, in this way the fresh air will fill our home.

3. Do not forget the doors

Closing the rooms that are not used or those that receive a direct impact from the Sun will prevent the heat from being distributed around the house. Do not forget to close the door of the street and those of the backyard. In these cases, putting a curtain also helps.

Change the sheets

4. Change the sheets

Changing the sheets always adds a touch of splendor to the bedroom and it is also a breath of fresh air. Remember that winter is for flannel and summer for cotton, which allows perspiration and maintains freshness.

5. Reduce heat sources

The house is full of electronic devices that produce heat. Avoid placing them in living rooms and if you can turn them off, your house will be cooler and you will also save energy and money.

6. Kitchen with the door closed and the bell on

The kitchen and the oven are an important source of heat, but fortunately the extractor hood not only serves to prevent bad odors. Put the extractor hood while you cook will help you to dissipate the hot air that comes from your food, pots and burners. In the same way it is useful to close the kitchen door since this way we will not lose the freshness accumulated in the rest of the house.

7. Get rid of incandescent lights

Maybe this is the push you needed to change all the bulbs in your house by LED light or energy saving lamps. Incandescent bulbs convert 90% of the energy they consume into heat, and do not consume very little. You will notice the difference in the temperature of your home or office as well as in the monthly invoice.

8. Prepare your body as you do with your house

When the heat is tight it is important to feel fresh inside, and that is achieved by wearing comfortable and breathable clothing, avoiding tight clothes and closed shoes.

9. The ground floor is always better

If you are lucky enough to live in a single-family or duplex, avoid working or living in the upper area, as the hot air rises and the cold, denser air will fall.

10. The fan and the fan

Both the fan and the fan are unable to lower the temperature of a room by themselves, but if we have done a good job cooling our house, they can create a pleasant breeze.

In addition, the fan is an appliance with a much lower consumption than air conditioning, so it can be a reasonable ally at specific times.

11. Wash when the night comes

Avoid putting the dishwasher and the washing machine during the day, as both appliances are an important source of heat that we should avoid.

Shower on hot days

12. Shower on hot days always with cold or warm water

A couple of years ago I began to hear the myth that it is better to shower with very hot water to get a nice relief, when leaving a hot environment we will go to a slightly lower temperature. This is completely false and can be dangerous.

Regardless of the thermal sensations, the human body regulates its body temperature to maintain an optimum 36ºC. On the hottest days, we must help our body stay at that temperature, drinking water, bathing or resting in a cool environment. If our body temperature does not manage to go down, our body suffers, suffers stress and may suffer a heat stroke.

Imagine for a second that we put an egg in boiling water and then we took it out at room temperature, it might feel “relief”, but it would not stop being cooked.

Therefore, although the thermal sensation that we obtain when going from a cold shower to a warm space is less pleasant, it will be healthier, because our body will have got really refreshed.

For this same rule you should avoid using saunas or hot water baths during the hot season.

13. Adapt your house

If you are convinced to keep the temperature of the home to a minimum and banish the use of air conditioners as much as possible, there are a couple of arrangements with which you can keep your home cooler, although for this you must invest a little money.

Wear your home in light colors. Both the facade and the home’s clothing should have white, light, pale and raw colors as they reflect light better, give more light and heat up less.

You should know that white blinds will always be more effective than dark ones, just as thick, opaque curtains insulate better than thin, translucent ones.

Finally, if you can afford it, install awnings, plants and trees in front of the windows facing south and west, in this way they will be more protected from the sun’s rays. With all these improvements your home will absorb less heat and the Investment will have been worth it.

14. Take advantage of the night

During the night the temperatures go down and the weather refreshes, so it is the ideal moment to renew the air and to cool to the maximum our house.

After sunset and after the heat has dissipated, open all windows and interior doors to cool all rooms. If you want to close a window when you go to sleep, try to leave some opposite windows open to create air currents that continue to cool the house during the night.

The next morning, when you go to work, close the windows and shutters according to point one and two to keep the cold of the night throughout the day. If you stay at home, remember to close them before the sun begins to warm up.

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