Home Improvement

How to Prepare the Walls Before Tiling

As we will see during this guide, a job of applying tiles over a wall cannot be left to chance. Such work must be carefully planned at each specific stage. Both in the initial one, which consists of the actual preparation of the wall, and in the final one, which consists of the actual application of the tiles. So let’s see, below, how to prepare the walls before tiling.

How to prepare the walls before tiling?

You will need:

  • Floor tiles
  • Tile adhesive
  • Wall cleaner
  • Stucco
  • Insulating adhesive tape
  • Sandpaper
  • Putty spatula
  • Wood strip
  • Thick black pencil

Clean the walls

The first basic advice to follow before applying tiles to a wall is to make sure that the wall can be tiled without difficulty. To check, I suggest you bring insulating tape and apply it on the wall for at least one night. The next day tries to detach it. If you notice that the wall paint also comes off with the adhesive tape, it means that in all probability your work will be in vain, that is, without satisfactory results.

How to prepare the walls before tiling

In that case, I recommend that you completely remove the paint before tiling. Afterward, it is advisable to pass a specific detergent on the walls and to pass a small amount of grout. Especially in parts where the wall has cracks or other imperfections. The wall cleaner can also be chosen in the spray type. The important thing is to make sure it is of quality. Contact a common hardware store to purchase these products.

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Plan the job

Once the detergent and grout have been applied to the wall, it is necessary to plan the work properly. In other words, correctly cut the tiles in the event that there are windows and/or doors on the wall. Obviously, if these are not present, the work will be much easier. In this phase, try to do the work with the help of a wooden strip that acts as a measuring device.

Start immediately after placing the tiles on a flat base and accurately mark their width along the listel, using a large black pencil. At this point, the strip must be placed against the wall, both horizontally and vertically. With this last operation, it will be possible to ascertain that a certain number of tiles will necessarily be cut.

Smooth the wall

Before tiling the walls, a good working base must be ensured. In principle, after applying the detergent and grout, wait until the walls are dry. Then, with the sandpaper, you have to smooth the surface well. Insisting especially on the points where any existing hole or crack has been covered. Of course, it is necessary to eliminate any possible trace of wallpaper or wallpaper. If it is a wall that will be in contact with water, such as the wall of a bathroom, protect it with a layer of cement before tiling it. Once you have the security of a well smooth and smooth wall, you can move on to the laying phase of the tiles.

Count the necessary tiles

The adhesive used to apply the tiles to the wall must be of quality, as well as the grout used to cover all the joints. To calculate the number of tiles needed to complete the operation, simply count the number of tiles in a vertical column, then multiplying this number with the number of tiles in the horizontal column. You will get the number of tiles you need. Or simply measure the length and width of the walls to find the area. Then all that remains is to divide the number obtained by the size of the tiles to be purchased. The result obtained is nothing more than the number of tiles needed.

Keep any spare tiles

Finally, remember that, in order not to risk finding yourself without tiles and being forced to apply completely different tiles, it is advisable to keep a dozen more tiles. By doing so, you can easily make replacements in the event of breakage or in the event that it is necessary to repair electrical wires or even pipes. Protect your hands with work gloves and the floor with newspapers placed on the ground.

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