
6 More Ways to Improve Your Member Marketing Emails

For any business that operates a membership model, retaining customers is as important as attracting new ones. How you communicate with them is, therefore, key. Email has a proven track record for achieving results, but only if you get it right. Let’s take a look at some ideas to improve your member marketing emails.

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Make Your Message Mobile-Friendly

According to Ofcom, as far back as 2015 smartphones leapt ahead of laptops as the device of choice. But email messages are viewed very differently on each type of device, and it’s important that yours are readable on smartphones as well as tablets, laptops and PCs.

And don’t take any chances with this one: test how your message appears on a variety of devices before you hit send on the real thing.

Don’t Give It All Away Upfront

Present your message in a way that spikes their curiosity and inspires them to want to find out more. This will help to increase your click-through and response rates.

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Add Multimedia

Make your email marketing communications engaging by adding different types of media. Video is a great way to get a message across, as it’s easy for members to digest and involves less effort on their part than reading a long text.

Provide Response Options

If you use a visitor management system, like those supplied by, you will already know that your members are all different – they use your services on different days and times of the week. They are also different in how they prefer to engage with marketing materials. Some are happy to ring up and chat, others prefer to converse electronically and some prefer to visit a web page to find out more. So you should give your clients plenty of response options so that they can use the form that they’re most comfortable with.

Make It Shareable

If you want existing members to help you recruit prospects, then you need to encourage them to share your email communications. An email can feel like a very personal thing that is for the reader only. Make it clear that you’re happy for them to share it and perhaps consider adding offers which seem exclusive for their friends.

Get Social

Always include your social media channels if you want to build your audience.


Russell Wilson

Hi, I am Russell Wilson; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety.

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