
How to change the car oil? Step by step guideline

The car oil is a very important part in the set of mechanisms that ensure its proper functioning. Therefore, the change of oil is one of the basic tasks in the maintenance of the vehicle. We must not only take it into account when we are going to undertake a trip, but it must be a task that we must carry out regularly. Here, we explain step by step how to change the car oil.

How to change the car oil?

You will need to: extractor pump, new oil, used oil container, funnel.

How to change the car oil

First step:

First of all, we must know when we have to change the oil. The manufacturer usually indicates how many kilometers we have to do this maintenance task. The most advisable thing is to follow these indications although we must also bear in mind that if we use the car a little, the oil can deteriorate equally. In no case should exceed 30,000 kilometers with the same oil.

Second step:

The second consideration that must be observed is what oil we have to put in the car. At this point, we must also be guided by what the manufacturer tells us. Then, if we have time, we will try to find the seller that offers it to us at a better price.

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Third step:

We are already able to proceed with the task, so we have to choose the right place. If we do not have a particular land, we can choose a flat place on the outskirts of the city or town, in order not to disturb other citizens.

car oil

Fourth step:

Once in the situation, we turn on the car and heat the engine a little. With this, what we will achieve is that the oil changes to a more liquid state, which will favor its extraction. A couple of minutes will be enough.

Now, we must prepare the pump that we will use to extract the used oil. We remove the plugs and put in place the tubes, through which the old oil will pass.

Fifth step:

Before going to the car engine, it is very important to stop it. Now, we will proceed with care not to burn ourselves because the engine will be hot. We took the rod out of the oil tank of our car and exchanged it for the smaller tube of the extractor pump. We look for the tube to reach the bottom.

The other tube of the pump is connected to the container in which we will store the used oil. We must affirm at this point that we should take it to special containers and not get rid of it anywhere.

final step

Final step:

We are ready to put the pump to work. To achieve this, we place the clamps on the battery terminals taking care to respect the polarity, and we can now press the pump’s power button.

Once the deposit is empty, we remove the pump. We then place a funnel at the entrance of the tank and begin to put the new oil, slowly, being careful not to pour.

If we are not sure we can do it well, it is best to choose to go to our workshop of confidence.

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