
Miguel Herran Net Worth, Bio, Lifestyle and WiKi

Miguel Herrán’s life (April 25, 1996) turned 180 degrees in the blink of an eye. This actor from Malaga is known to all as Río in La Casa de Papel or Christian Varela in Elite. Within the biography of Miguel Herrán, you will learn the story of a troubled boy who managed to become one of the most promising interpreters in Spain.

Biography of Miguel Herrán

A stroke of luck would completely change the life of Miguel Herrán, an actor born in Malaga but raised in Madrid.

His mother set up a pet store in the Spanish capital, where Miguel spent his free time playing with his friends.

Before becoming famous, the actor led a life that he says he is not proud of. In an interview, he stated that if Daniel Guzmán had not given him the character, he would probably be in prison.

Miguel Herran’s Net Worth

During his adolescence, the actor suffered from severe depression, which is why he believed that he would not be able to live until he was 30 years old. Miguel Herran’s Net Worth is estimated at about 3 million USD.

A lucky break

One night, like any other, he was walking through the streets of Madrid when he met the actor from Here There Is No One Alive, Daniel Guzmán, who intercepted him so that he could audition for his directorial debut, A Cambio de nada.

At the time of the casting, Miguel was so nervous that he forgot the script. However, Daniel believed that he would be the next promise of Spanish acting.

Against all odds, the then-new actor was hired to star in A Cambio de Nada ( 2015), where he played the role of Darío, which earned him a Goya in the category of best revelation actor. The actor also received an award at the Solidarity Spanish Film Festival and another at the Malaga Festival.

He liked acting so much that he decided to become a professional at the William Layton Laboratory and the Central de Cine, places where his mentor, Daniel Guzmán, had studied.

In 2016, he made 1898: The Last of the Philippines and The Invisible Guardian. The last film takes us into the depths of the Baztán River, where the naked body of a girl who was vilely murdered appears.

The growing success of Miguel Herrán

Miguel Herrán signed a contract with Atresmedia to play the character of Río in the acclaimed Spanish series La Casa de Papel (2017).

Aníbal Cortés is the real name of Río, a programming expert who falls in love with Tokyo, the protagonist of this masterful plot.

A year after participating in La Casa de Papel, Miguel Herrán was called by Netflix to act in Elite, a youth series in which he plays Christian Varela Expósito, a humble young man who will experience a polyamorous relationship with Carla and Polo.

In 2018, he also participated in films such as time after and Joy, sadness. The first was directed by José Luis Cuerda, who based himself on his homonymous novel to make this feature film that travels into the future to see what the world is like after the Apocalypse.

An actor of those who does not remain

Miguel Herrán is a simple man who does not like fame. The actor believes that the world of entertainment is full of hypocrisy, where success is more important than anything else.

When he is not in front of the cameras, he likes to use his motorcycle, a hobby he has had since he was three years old. He also loves spending time with his pets, which makes him feel like a normal person, that they love him for who he really is and not for a character.

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