Health and Fitness

Say goodbye to menstrual irregularities? We start at the table

Say goodbye to menstrual irregularities? We start at the table. The menstrual irregularities can be a warning sign of physical and psychological disorders of women. The menstrual cycle can represent a reflection of one’s state of health for a woman. Controlled by a hormonal alternation that regulates intensity, frequency and dysfunctions, the menstrual cycle can also be influenced by the diet.

It has been declared that health begins at the table and that’s right! Each food is characterized by a different composition of macro and micronutrients, vitamins and minerals that together create the right balance to keep healthy. Excluding pathologies related to menstrual irregularities such as thyroid problems, eating disorders, polycystic ovaries or diabetes, it is possible to prevent premenstrual phase disorders (PMS) and to the menstrual period through a controlled and balanced diet.

Causes and remedies for menstrual irregularitiesSay goodbye to menstrual irregularities? We start at the table

Menstrual irregularities are often caused by general health disorders such as:

-an important weight loss in a too short period

-physical activity too intense

-a period of intense stress

-an incorrect diet

Eating disorders are among the first causes of irregularity of the menstrual cycle for this to maintain the weight thanks to proper nutrition and by doing a moderate exercise helps to avoid menstrual irregularities and to take care of your body especially during periods when stress can affect health and lead to these disorders.Say goodbye to menstrual irregularities? We start at the table

Regular physical exercise is associated with many positive effects on body function, such as improved insulin sensitivity, decreased visceral adipose tissue mass and improvements in cardiovascular function, but be careful with too intense physical exercises. Scientific evidence shows, in fact, that intense physical exercise causes defects in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, namely the phase that goes from ovulation to the onset of menstruation, leading to dysfunction as oligomenorrhea (when there is a delay in the menstrual cycle) and amenorrhea (a prolonged suspension of the menstrual cycle). It is quite normal for the different energy and nutrient intake needs during the different phases of the menstrual cycle.

Premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to the symptoms characterized by irritability and increased appetite that often characterize the days preceding menstruation. This happens for the variation of hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle both in the type and in their concentration levels, for a decrease in blood sugar and for the lowering of the levels of serotonin, an important molecule that controls the mood. In this phase of the menstrual cycle, it is advisable to consume complex carbohydrates such as pasta and bread but also rice and vegetables, rich in vegetable proteins.

Menstrual periodSay goodbye to menstrual irregularities? We start at the table

During the time of menstruation, it is good to be careful not to consume too many foods that affect blood flow. There are foods that promote the fluidity of blood such as pineapple, mushrooms, parsley, melon, and strawberries, and that could increase the flow but also foods that promote coagulation and thickening of the blood like all green leafy vegetables that contain vitamin K.

In the case of dysmenorrhea, ie a particularly painful menstrual cycle. It is useful to integrate foods rich in iron and magnesium into the diet. This mineral contained for example in red beets, bitter cocoa. And dried fruits is particularly indicated to reduce the appearance of abdominal cramps, mood swings, tiredness, exhaustion. And to combat the water retention that increases in this phase.

Furthermore, it is useful to integrate the B vitamins for the production of red blood cells; specifically, vitamin B12 contained in seasonal cheeses, in beef, rabbit. And eggs and vitamin B1 in legumes and brewer’s yeast. And vitamin B6 found in peas and whole grains. Fish may not be indicated for iodine and phosphorus content which, by stimulating the thyroid. And stimulating the nervous syste, may favor the spasms. And cramps of the smooth muscles found in the genital organs and in the urinary tract.

A further precaution to be implemented after the menstrual cycle is to reduce saline intake. And consume food or drink to counteract water retention. Fennel, celery and dandelion teas are the most suitable foods to have a diuretic effect. Along with these, it is also useful to increase the fibers to ensure good intestinal transit.

Clearly, each menstrual cycle has its own characteristics and the food indications must be shaped according to the needs. Knowing your body is the starting point to choose the most correct diet to combat menstrual irregularities. The characteristics of the aforementioned foods demonstrate the close correlation between food. And menstrual cycle and the possibility to manage irregularities with a specific diet.

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